Monday, October 6, 2008

It's harder than it seems...

Sooooo. Praying like Elder Bednar described is really harder than I thought it was going to be. I am a simple person and therefore tend to think simplistically- how hard could it be to spiritually create your day in prayer before you live out? Hard. And time-consuming. Not just in the prayer itself, but also because you have to be ready to pray. Like, you have to have had a good night of sleep just to be able to think it all through. And you can't be praying knowing your husband is late for work and you have to make it fast. And, your kids can't come in wanting the breakfast you promised 15 minutes ago...but haven't yet made because you're busy praying. Praying has to be an actual event, planned and prepared for, just just checked off the list. That is hard for me.

But, the idea of such prayers was so delicious to me that I can't NOT do it, right? If at first you don't succeed (or if at second, third, fourth or fifth...). Any suggestions? What did you get out of Conference that you are going to do until you get it right?

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